Wednesday, December 16, 2009

L'Albero dai Mille Colori - The Tree of a Thousand Colours

Dato che non ho potuto continuare a postare in Abruzzo, postero' all' post di oggi e' per il 16 dicembre.
I could not continue to post in Abruzzo so i will post my trip diary in the next few days. Today's post is for the 16th of december.

Oggi la prima consegna nella Scuola Materna di Paganica, alle pendici del Gran Sasso.
Lascero' parlare le foto, le emozioni sono tante e forti. Quasi ogni famiglia rappresentata ha perso dei cari e la propria casa e se non l'ha persa e' danneggiata.
Today the first distribution in the Paganica School, at the feet of the Gran Sasso mountain.
I will let the photos speak for themselves, it was very emotional. Almost every family represented lost a relative and or their home.

Siamo arrivati in mattinata e abbiamo imbustato i quilts.
We arrived in the morning and we packaged all the quilts.

Ecco la sorpresa: l' aiutante "peloso", il mio cane Vera! Con il suo aiuto ho spiegato ai bimbi che un quilt e' una coperta speciale e che delle signore da tutto il mondo le hanno cucite per loro.
The furry helper: my dog Vera! With its help I explained the children that a quilt is a very special blanket and that many ladies around the world sewed them thinking of them.

I bimbi hanno gradito l' intervento di Vera e anche i genitori assistono divertiti!
The children loved Vera and so did the parents!

La consegna dei quilts ai bambini e' stata la mia parte preferita del programma, hanno preso il loro pacco con manine trepidanti ed alcuni erano cosi' piccoli che potevano entrare nella grossa busta!
My favorite part of the program was when I gave each child their quilt, they eagerly took their bag and some of them were so little they could easily fit into it!

Sono stata letteralmente coperta di baci e li ho graditi moltissimo!
I was the recepient of a lot of kisses and needless to say I accepted them gladly!

I genitori hanno compreso lo spirito di Mille Colori e tutti ci hanno ringraziato di cuore, molti con lacrime agli occhi. Noi abbiamo ringraziato per tutte voi che avete donato amore tramite il
vostro quilt e vi portiamo i saluti piu' cari di tutti anche se non vi conoscono.
The parents understood well the spirit behind " A thousand Colours " and they were all so grateful, many of them thanked us with tears in their eyes and told us to pass along to all of you their deepest thanks even if they never met you.

Noi possiamo solo dire per l'ennesima volta che " Vi e' piu' gioia nel dare che nel ricevere "
(Gesu') e oggi lo abbiamo vissuto veramente.
We can only say again that " It is more blessed to give than to receive" (Jesus) and today we truly and fully experienced it.

Ah, quasi nome della scuola materna e'......L'Albero dai Mille Colori!
Oh, I was about to forget....the name of the school is.......The Tree of the Thousand Colours!

From Abruzzo with all our love,

~ Roberta and Vincent ~


Kathy McC said...

Seeing the precious children made me cry. Thank you for being the feet and hands of Jesus Christ. Thank you to all the people who made these quilts of love. It is an honor to read your blog.

roberta said...

Dear kathy, your words are so kind. I was just available to the Call that came to me in april, the strength came with it and i was glad to answer. I'd love to e mail you the updates that are more detailed than the blog post, if you'd like them e mail me. It is an honor to receive comments like yours, have a joyous Christmas, god bless you. Roberta

Julie said...

Roberta you made the quilts into such attractive gifts with your packages and the laughter and smiles brought a lump to my throat. Thank you for sharing your visit to the school, and how wonderful that it is the School of a Thousand Colours. We did very little in making the quilts, yours was the inspiration and now you are doing all the hard work of delivering them to these little ones. May you be truly blessed for everything you have done to bring this about. Merry Christmas Roberta (Buon Natale)xx

Anonymous said...

Ciao Roberta ti ho seguita attraverso il tuo blog ma soprattutto ti ho molto pensata durante il viaggio vedendo le previsioni del tempo: sei veramente una gran donna. Un forte e caloroso abbraccio e gli auguri di un sereno Natale da Rita di Udine

Luigina said...

..Sono con le lacrime agli occhi..questo racconto mi ha fatto veramente emozionare! Ci sentiamo questo momento mi sento solo d mandarti un abbraccio fortissimo e di ringraziare Dio di averti conosciuta : sei veramente Speciale!

Sara Casol said...

"Who sleeps under a quilt, sleeps under a blanket of love."
Grazie per aver dato vita a queste parole, buon Natale

Tanya said...

It is wonderful to see the children and hear of their joy at receiving quilts Thank you for all your hard work! Many blessing to you! Merry Christmas!

Mandy said...

How wonderful to see the children with the quilts. It has taken a long time, but has been so well worth all the effort you have taken to make sure the quilts got there.

fux said...

Robi, cara,
non ho più parole da scriverti... altrimenti spadroneggio nei commenti di ogni tuo post!
Ho scritto di te sul mio blog.
Avrò piacere se i miei lettori venissero a leggerti.
See you soon.