Monday, June 15, 2009


Today my friend Assan came to visit. He delivered a large package containing two quilts for a thousand colours. He visits often and his visits are always welcomed! I have received many quilts from Italy, England, Switzerland and the United States. The number of quilts promised to this date is more than 100 ( maybe 150....i lost count! ) and almost every day i receive word that a quilt or more than one are being sewn from quilters that just heard of the project and wanted to participate. I cannot stop the flow, so if you are reading this and want to joying in , there is still time, just e-mail me. Never in my hopeful imagination i would have thought of such generosity, thank you all! Quilts have been promised from Italy, Switzerland, Germany, France, Spain, England, Holland, Sweden, Japan, Australia, Canada, United States and Malaysia. I would love to add other countries!


Oggi ho ricevuto una visita dal mio nuovo amico Assan. Viene spesso a trovarmi e porta con se dei pacchi voluminosi e leggeri....sono quilts per mille colori! Ne ho ricevuti dall'Italia, Svizzera, Inghilterra e Stati Uniti. Ancora quasi ogni giorno ricevo adesioni al progetto e ad oggi sono stati promessi piu' di 100 quilts ( forse 150, ho perso il conto!!! ) e se leggi questo post e desideri partecipare, c'e' ancora tempo, mandami una mail. Mai avrei immaginato di ricevere una risposta cosi' entusiasta e ne sono molto felice. Un grazie a tutte quelle che hanno gia' mandato il loro quilt, sono tutti bellissimi e coloratissimi, proprio dei Mille Colori!
Vorrei tanto aggiungere altre nazioni a quelle che gia' partecipano che sono oltre alla mia cara Italia, Svizzera, Germania, Spagna, Francia, Olanda, Svezia, Inghilterra, Canada, Australia, Giappone, Stati Uniti e Malesia.


Allie said...

Oh look at the beautiful quilts! Ours are going out tomorrow!

Julie said...

I can see mine in the pile :o) Glad it got to you safely. How wonderful that you are getting so much support.

jan said...

What a wonderful pile of quilts you have there, I don't think ours are amongst them, so maybe the next pile. This is looking so good, what a great response you had from Quilters far and near.