Thursday, May 7, 2009

a glorious day!

Today has been truly a glorious day for the project '' A thousand colors "! Twenty-six quilts have been promised from Italy and the rest of the world. I am just amazed at the enthusiastic response from quilters worldwide. It has been my pleasure and joy to be able to answer all the e-mails that come by the hour and to make so many new friends. Italy's response has been overwhelming and i know that it has just started! The rest of the world is doing great with many single quilters, local guilds and church groups from Switzerland, Germany, United Kingdom, Canary Islands ( Spain), Australia, Japan, Sweden, Canada and United States. The project has been sent out in five languages: italian, english, german, french and spanish and who wishes to do it in another language and send it out in their country, feel free to do it, let me know so i can add it to my list.
Many have told me that they are thankful for giving them the privilege of helping, i thank you all for the privilege i have in coordinating the work of your hands for the children of Abruzzo. Did you know that there are 178 tent camps operating? Some of them are classrooms, some of them are used as places of worship, most of them are the "homes'' of the people who lost everything in the quake. At the end of april the university of L'Aquila held its graduation ceremonies under a tent, all the students considered it a privilege to be doing it at a time like this, something to be remembered and cherished for life. Seventy-five thousand folks are in tents, another seventy-five thousand in Hotels that welcome them and many are guests in private homes. A month has gone by and things are really happening, solidarity has been overwhelming from all over the world.

Che giornata gloriosa!

Oggi per Mille Colori e' stata una giornata gloriosa, sono stati promessi ben 26 quilts!!!
L'entusiasmo con cui e' stato accolto il progetto in Itala ed intorno al mondo non cessa di stupirmi. Tantissime mi hanno ringraziato per aver dato loro il privilegio di partecipare con le loro mani, ma io ringrazio tutte voi per aver dato a me il privilegio di coordinare il vostro prezioso lavoro e per la vostra fiducia. La mia cara Italia sta rispondendo in modo grande ed il resto del mondo anche. Promesse di quilts sono arrivate dalla Svizzera, Germania, Canarie (Spagna), Regno Unito, Svezia, Stati Uniti, Canada, Australia e Giappone. Numerosissime le singole quiltiste, associazioni, gruppi di donne nelle chiese, scuole di patchwork, quiltshops e anche amiche che lavorano insieme per Mille Colori. Il progetto e' stato tradotto in inglese, tedesco, francese e spagnolo. Per le nostre amiche intorno al mondo ho postato sopra e ricordo a tutte noi che vi sono 178 campi tende operativi, 75.000 persone vivono nelle tende, 75.000 negli alberghi e innumerevoli sono state accolte da famiglie con un cuore grande. Alla fine di aprile molti ragazzi si sono laureati sotto una tenda, considerandolo un privilegio ed una gioia da ricordare tutta la vita.

A tutte grazie, buon lavoro e un abbraccio forte


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

well...the time has come!

Simplyninepatch was started to keep my english speaking friends up to date with my life and my works. After i shared the project "A thousand colors for the children of Abruzzo" on the blog, i made so many new friends and you are all asking for photos. The first one i want to share with you is me with the partner of my life, my husband Vincent. We've known and loved each other for the past 34 years through the thick and thin of life. We met in Rome while studying at the Italian Bible Institute and after our graduation we left Italy and went to live in Pennsylvania where Vincent's family settled after emigrating from Italy their country of birth in the sixties. We now live and work as missionaries in the province of Treviso.
The next picture was taken at the wedding of my aunt from my dad's side, it is an "historical" picture since it has been given to me recently and four generation are pictured: my mom, my grandmother, my greatgrandmother. In the picture there are also my brother, my aunts, my cousin and the newly acquired uncle who send me the precious picture. Can you guess which one is me ?

The project A thousand colors is going great, I'm learning a lot through it. The first quilts arrived yesterday and i got very emotional about it. It is a discovery every day: new friends, new ways of quilting, beautiful fabric and most of all the generosity and love of quilters around the world. Thank you all, i am truly blessed!

Eccomi....e' arrivata l'ora!

Molte di voi mi hanno chiesto di postare foto e, per amore di chi non mi conosce personalmente, ho postato due foto: una recente di me e mio marito Vincent ed una di me da piccola, indovinate quale sono? La foto e' una foto"storica" di famiglia che ho acquisito di recente ed e' stata scattata il giorno del matrimonio di mia zia Mimi, sorella di papa' e sono rappresentate quattro generazioni: io, mia mamma Lia, mia nonna paterna Amabile e la mia bisnonna paterna Genoveffa anche chiamata la "Nonnona" per la sua mole non indifferente. Gli altri nella foto sono il mio nuovo zio Sereno, la sua nuova moglie, la zia Mimi, sua sorella Natalina con mia cugina Antonella ( diventata da poco nonna! ) e mio fratello in braccio alla mia mamma.....ora potrete indovinare quale sono !

Il progetto Mille colori sta andando alla grande, ieri sono arrivati i primi due quilts da Denise di Monfalcone, ero molto emozionata, sono arrivate anche i ricami di Antonella e le due etichette di Elisabetta, tutto e' bellissimo!!!
Le adesioni stanno arrivando da tante parti del mondo ed io mi sento lusingata e felice di essere la testimone di tanta solidarieta' e generosita'.

Un bacio a tutte
